The flow builder's History menu allows users to revert to any previously saved version of a flow, regardless of whether they are on staging or main. No saved changes are discarded when you revert to a previous version. The current flow will still exist in the flow history. There is no limit to how many versions can be contained in the history.
Select any version to see its flow steps. Several icons indicate the deployment status of these flows.
The paper icon is a draft not saved to staging or main.
The flask icon is the current version on staging.
The crown icon is the current version on main.
The arrow icon is the previous main version. Use this to revert any changes and send the current main version to draft.
Revising a Flow
The history menu is an essential tool for revising flows. When investigating an error from a past flow run, you can use the history tab to view the specific flow version used for that particular run. Use the Runs tab to see which flow was used during the failed run.
For example, this flow was run with version 67048:
Republish a Previous Version of a Flow
You can choose to revert back to any of the previous versions listed in the flow's history.
In the History menu, select the version you want to republish.
Select Deploy to Staging. A pop-up notification confirms this was successful.
Select Promote to Main.
Select OK in the Promote to Main window.