Configurations allow you to define properties and values that you can reuse across flows. When setting up your integration, create these configurations in the integration builder, then add and map them to flows. Use configuration keys when writing flow steps to reference their predefined values.
Add Integration Configurations
Open the integration where you want to add a configuration and navigate to the Configuration page.
Select Add Configuration and fill in the fields:
Key: Required. The name of the configuration that authors will enter in the flow fields: flow.config.key
This value will be converted to camelCase before being saved.
Example: flow.config.projectSightPortfolioIdTitle: A descriptive name for the configuration.
Description: Additional details about the configuration to explain how it is used.
Required: Select this checkbox to require the user to enter a value.
Type: Identify the data type. Choose from: text, multiple text items, decimal, multiple decimals, integer, multiple integers, or true or false.
Default: Enter the default value for this configuration. When you add the configuration key to a flow, this value will auto-populate in the field.
Validation: Enter a Regular Expression (RegEx) that the input must match.
Options: Enter a different value per line that a user can choose from. If provided, the user will be able to select one of the provided options instead of freely typing in any value.
Note: After saving a configuration, you cannot change the Key or Type.
Select Save.
You can use this configuration in your integration, flows, and any workspaces synced with that integration definition.
For information about flow configurations, see Use Configurations in Flows.
Edit an Integration Configuration
Open the integration where you want to add a configuration, and go to the Configuration page.
Note: Make all configuration edits from the Configuration page within the integration builder.
Select the configuration you want to edit and update the fields. For a list of the edits and changes you can make to configurations, see Manage Configurations.
Select Save.
Delete a Configuration
Note: A configuration can only be deleted if it is not mapped to any flow configurations.
Unmap the configuration from all flows to which it is mapped. For more information, see Unmap Flow Configurations.
On the Configuration page of the integration, select the configuration you want to remove.
Select Delete, and confirm your deletion.