Creating an ODBC user is an essential step in configuring a Foundation connector.
You must be a Foundation administrator to complete these steps.
Note: For more information about the steps below, consult the support and training resources through your Foundation Client Portal.
1. In Foundation, create a new user with the settings below.
a. Enter XChangeServiceUser in the User ID field.
b. Enter XChange Service User in the Name field.
c. Create a strong password and re-enter it to confirm.
e. Select the company you want to connect in the Company No field.
f. Check ODBC Access.
g. Select OK.
3. Email the following message to Foundation Technical Business Solutions with the subject line Purchase Order Write Access for AXC:
Please add Purchase Order Write access to the user “XChangeServiceUser” on my Foundation instance, <database name>. Thanks.
4. Once your Foundation representative confirms that they have completed this task, send your App Xchange Customer Success Manager the following information:
XChangeServiceUser password
Database name
Foundation company code
Important: Passwords must be securely shared via your preferred method.
Once your App Xchange Customer Success Manager confirms that your XChangeServiceUser was successfully created, your ERP Connection is complete. Next, they will configure the Foundation Connector in your App Xchange Workspace.