Sage 300

Before you can configure the Sage 300 connector, you must install the Xchange Agent on your server and complete the steps outlined in this guide. Review the following fields and enter values where necessary.

The Sage 300 connector empowers App Xchange customers to integrate their applications with Sage 300's core financial and operational functions, including General Ledger, Accounts Payable/Receivable, Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchase Order.

User Access

To access the developer environment for Sage 300, review the Develop for Sage 300 Documentation page at

Engagement and Training

If you would like additional training or to ask for enhancements to this connector, please view the following resources: 

Sage Developer Community

Technical Documentation

To view the technical documentation for this product, you must apply for the Sage 300 Development Partner Program.

Connector Endpoints

The documentation below is an OpenAPI description (OAD) of each module in this connector. Note: This is provided as a quick view of coverage and capabilities. The API and endpoints documented are used internally by the platform and not directly by end users.

Connection in App Xchange

Create a Sage 300 CRE ODBC Service User

Before you begin: you must be a Sage 300 CRE administrator to complete these steps.

For more information about the steps below, see the Sage 300 CRE Knowledge Base.

Note: App Xchange is only compatible with Sage version 18 or newer. Ensure your instance is fully updated for the best results.

1. In Sage 300 CRE, navigate to Options > Security Administration.

2. Select User Setup.

3. Select Add and create a new user with the settings below.

a. User name: XChangeServiceUser

b. Check Set initial password.

c. Create a secure password. Record this for later.

Note: Only use numbers and letters in your password. Do not include special characters.

d. Uncheck User must change password at next logon.

e. Check Password never expires.

4. Select the Roles tab for this user.

5. Check ODBC Service User.

6. Select the Companies tab for this user.

7. Check the boxes for the companies you want to connect.

8. Select Save Changes.

9. If your company has enabled Security Permissions at the Company, File, or Record level, grant the XChangeServiceUser access to all necessary Roles or Security IDs. For more information, consult the latest version of Sage 300 CRE’s User Guide.

The Sage 300 ODBC service user is created.

Connection Details

This connector has not yet been updated to use a formally defined connection. Details on configuring this connector and providing the credentials needed for integration usage are provided below.

Additional Configuration

Sage 300 Database connection string

Create the Sage 300 Database connection string using info from your initial ERP setup. Insert the appropriate values into each field below, separated by semicolons (no spaces).

For example, Driver=Timberline Data; DBQ=\\SERVERNAME\Timberline Office\Data\COMPANY\; UID=XChangeServiceUser; PWD=Ch@rl!e1978; codepage=1252;dictionarymode=0;standardmode=1;maxcolsupport=1536;shortenames=0;databasetype=1;.

Xml Messaging Configuration

User Support

If you encounter a problem or need support for this connector, please create a ticket at App Xchange Support or email

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