Lookup Related Data Object

Use the Lookup Related Data Object flow step to fetch records from a related data object. To do this, you must define a relationship between one data object and the current data object being processed. You can specify which properties of the related records to include in the output, ensuring that only relevant data is retrieved.

Step Inputs

To create a Lookup Related Data Object flow step you must configure both the From and To connectors. First, choose a From Connector and a To Connector from the respective dropdowns. Then choose a From Object and a To Object from the respective dropdowns.

In the ID field, enter an identifier to establish the relationship between the From Object and the To Object. This is typically a foreign key or reference field in the From Object that matches a primary key or unique identifier in the To Object.

Depending on the specific configuration and the context in which you are setting up this flow step, you may also have the option to toggle Include Metadata or fill out the Fail the Step If and Filter Expressions fields.

Step Outputs

This flow step outputs a combination of the primary object's data, the related object's data, any included metadata, and the status of the lookup operation.