Call a Flow

Use the Call a Flow step to trigger another flow within the current flow. The Call a Flow step leverages flow reuse and can save you time from rebuilding entire existing flows. 

Guidelines for calling flows:

In the list of flows available to your workspace, callable flows are marked with a Callable tag. When you open a flow, the In Use By panel on the right of the flow builder page indicates which parent flows call that flow. You can select from these flows to view the parent flow.

Step Inputs

In the Edit Step menu, you can add details about the step configuration as needed for your flow.

Step Detail

Depending on the flow you call, additional property fields associated with that flow will display in this section. The called flow dictates what data is available to pass to it. Add data to all required property fields. 


Choose the flow that you want to call. The dropdown list populates with all callable flows available to your workspace.

Select View Flow if you want to open the called flow in a new tab.

Use Existing Input

This option is off by default. As a best practice, you generally want to keep it off. You should use the property fields in the Step Detail section to specifically define the input you want to use in the called flow instead of using existing input values.

Step Status

You may see one of the following statuses after running the Call a Flow step:


Occurs when the called flow successfully completes, resolving to either a Successful or Failed status. 


Occurs when the called flow completes with an Exception status.

Step Outputs

The output of the Call a Flow step depends on the flow that is called and what data is returned after it runs. 

Use Cases and Examples

Use the Call a Flow step when you want to execute a flow within another flow.

For example, say you are creating a flow to send budget information from Vista to ProjectSight. Before you send budget data between systems, you may want to process the data. So you could call a flow that processes Vista budget amounts, making sure amounts exist and are assigned a specific budget code. Instead of recreating this flow within your flow, you can call the flow.