Group By

Use the Group By flow step to aggregate data based on specified criteria. This step allows you to group records by one or more fields and then perform aggregate functions such as sum, count, average, min, or max on other fields within these groups.

For example, if you have a list of sales records and you want to group them by sales region and calculate the total sales for each region, you would use the Group By step to group the records by the Region field and then sum the Sales Amount field for each group.

Step Inputs

Use the List field to specify the list of records that you want to group. This becomes the input dataset for the Group By operation.

In the Group by Properties section, use the Property Name field to indicate the property you want to group your records by. If needed, you can select Custom Property to define a custom value for the property. Select +Add Item to add additional properties.

Step Outputs

The Group By step outputs a new list of records where the original records have been grouped according to the specified criteria. Each record in this new list represents a unique group, and it includes the aggregated values for each group based on the specified aggregate functions (such as sum, count, average, min, or max).