Cache Explorer


The Cache Explorer is where you can view the actual data within App Xchange. You are limited to seeing only those records belonging to Apps/Connectors that are used in integrations associated with your workspace. It’s a useful tool for troubleshooting. Here you can check specific records to see if they made it into our system, or compare record counts in App Xchange with counts in the source or destination systems.

The Cache Explorer comes in two varieties: Workspace Cache and Flow Data.

Workspace Cache

To begin, select an App, then a Cache Object you want to view. Here we’re viewing all RFI’s made from Trimble to Project Sight for a given integration:

The Cache Explorer displays a table view of all data records for the selected Cache Object/resource. You can filter the records by Modified Date or by property. 

Filtering by Modified Date

Modified Date Quick Filters

To filter by a property, click Add Filter and select the desired property, operator, and value.

Within the table header, you can show and hide any properties associated with the record.

Here we are filtering on Amount > 0 while showing the Amount column:

Clicking on a record will take you to its detail and activity view which displays all of the properties of the record as well as its associated actions and flows. This example record was last used in an upsert action in October 2022.

If we click on the upsert action, we can see a detail view of that action. Clicking Go to Triggering Flow Instance will take you to the instance of the flow run that generated that action.

Clicking on Triggered Flows will show us any flow instances that were triggered by this cache record, as well as summary information about them. 

The two most recent runs had some problems

Hover for details of the flow’s actions

The flows timeline also allows you to navigate directly to a linked flow - Go to Flow - or run it from the detail view - Run now.

Go to Flow & Run Now

Selecting a different Triggered Flow

Also, a cache record may be associated with more than one flow. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, you can choose which flow you want via the dropdown. The dropdown is only shown when there are multiple associated flows. 

No dropdown when only one associated flow

Flow Data

The Flow Data Explorer can be found when viewing a flow. There are three tabs: Edit, Runs, and Data. The Flow Data Explorer works the same as Workspace Cache Explorer with a few tweaks.

Flow Data Explorer

Instead of having to select an App and a Cache Object, all available resources are parsed into a Quick Searches dropdown.

Quick Searches dropdown

The table also allows you to select records and Run Selected (when applicable).

Select All can be used to select either all visible or all available

For any records that are used in active flows, there is a dropdown menu that allows you to go that flow, run the flow using Run Now or view the flow run instances using View Runs. (This dropdown has the same functionality as the Triggered Flows timeline of the record detail, it’s just surfaced in the table for quicker access.)