Cache Explorer

Use the Cache Explorer to view the actual data within App Xchange. You are limited to seeing only those records belonging to connectors that are used in integrations associated with your workspace. It is a useful tool for troubleshooting. Here you can check specific records to see if they made it into the system or compare record counts in App Xchange with counts in the source or destination systems.

The Cache Explorer comes in two varieties: Workspace Cache and Flow Data.

Workspace Cache

The Cache page, also called the Workspace Cache, is found under the data heading in the navigation bar of your workspace.

To begin, select a connector (A) and a cache object (B) to view. The Cache Explorer displays a table view of all data records for the selected Cache Object/resource. You can filter the records by Modified Date (C). To filter by a property, select Add Filter (D) and select the desired property, operator, and value. Within the table header, you can show and hide any properties associated with the record (E).

Select a record to view its record detail. This displays all of the properties of the record as well as its associated actions and flows. This example record was last used in an upsert action in October 2022.

Select the upsert action to view the details of that action. Select Go to Triggering Flow Instance to view the instance of the flow run that generated that action.

Select Triggered Flows to view any flow instances that were triggered by this cache record, as well as summary information about them. Hover over a flow instance for details of the flow’s actions.

The two most recent runs had some problems

You can use the Triggered Flows tab to navigate directly to a linked flow (Go to Flow) or run it from the detail view (Run now). Triggered flows that are part of a work request batch are indicated with a batch icon.

Go to Flow & Run Now

Selecting a different Triggered Flow

A cache record may be associated with more than one flow on rare occasions. When it is, you can choose which flow you want via the dropdown. The dropdown is only shown when there are multiple associated flows. 

No dropdown when only one associated flow

Work Request Tab

The Work Request tab displays a timeline of work requests that were created or modified with the record that you are viewing. You can track down the details of the batch that did the processing instead of having to manually check each batch that ran against the cache object. The most recent data is listed first.

For batch work requests, you can view the related flows from the flow dropdown menu. You can also see these batch flows from the Triggered Flows tab.

Flow Data

The Flow Data Explorer is found in the Data tab when viewing a flow. It works similarly to Workspace Cache Explorer. You can select from all available resources in a parsed Quick Searches dropdown (A). You can filter the records by Modified Date (B). To filter by a property, select Add Filter (C) and select the desired property, operator, and value. Within the table header, you can show and hide any properties associated with the record (D).

You can select records (E) and Run Selected (F) when applicable. For any records used in active flows, you can view the flow run instances by selecting the ellipses next to it and then selecting View Runs (G).

Why is My Data Not in the Cache Explorer?

There are several reasons your data may not appear in the cache: