Add or Edit Flow Steps

Flow steps define specific functions that accomplish a variety of tasks. Steps carry out the actual work of a flow, and there are a variety of different types of flow steps. For more information, see Flow Steps.

Once you’ve added a flow, you can start adding steps. You can also copy a flow step that already exists.

3. In the Edit Step window (also called step drawer), enter or change the Name for the step and select a step Type. The step Id field automatically generates based on the name you enter. 

4Enter or edit the information in other fields that display based on the type of flow selected. 

5. When all information has been entered, select Save.

6. To add another step, select the Plus sign where you want the step to be inserted. You can add steps before or after existing steps, or at the same level or nested under existing steps. Only certain types of flows allow nesting steps.

Copy a Flow Step

If there's a flow step that already exists that is similar to the one you are creating, you can copy that flow step and paste it into this one using the icons at the top of the Edit Step window. Once it's pasted, you can make changes to the fields. Copying a parent step also copies the children. You may have to change the step Ids of the copied steps.

You can also copy a flow step URL to send to another user with access to your workspace.

Deploy the Flow

Once the flow is ready, you can test it on staging before promoting it to main.