The Parse Delimited File to JSON step outputs JSON from supplied delimited data.
Using the Parse Delimited File to JSON Step
Start by creating a new step, choosing an appropriate name for it, and choosing “Parse Delimited File to JSON” as the Type. The following step-specific fields will appear:
File API (required)
Choose “File API” unless you know for certain your delimited files were uploaded through the legacy Partner Portal API.
File ID
Enter an expression that evaluates to the ID of the delimited file you want to parse. For example, you might get the ID from a prior Create Delimited File step.
Has Header Row
Turn this on if your delimited data includes data for a header row.
Starting Row Number
Enter the row number where your data starts. It will default to starting from row 1 if no value is entered.
Columns To Include
Enter a comma-separated list of columns to include from your delimited data. If left blank, all columns will be included. If your data doesn’t have a header row, you can use numbers to indicate which columns to include. When doing so, the JSON will be output with property names like column1, column2, etc.