Manage Flow Exceptions and Failures
Flow Exception
When a flow completes with an Exception status, it means that the flow encountered an error with the code that it couldn’t resolve. Fixing the error will require a user with the Flow Author permission to identify the code causing the exception and make the necessary corrections to it.
Navigate to the flow run that has an Exception status.
Click on the flow run and open the Run Details.
Click on the Exception link in the header of the run details. This will open a panel with details about the Exception that was encountered and which step had the code that caused the Exception.
Correct the code and click Save and Deploy to Staging.
Once you’ve tested your revised code, click Promote to Main.
Failed Flow
A flow can only have a failed status by using a stop step to set that status. When trying to understand why a flow has ended with a failed status, first start at the Runs tab of a flow. Often a flow author will provide an output message detailing why the flow was stopped with a failed status.
If there is no output message, click on the flow run to see what steps were run and follow the logic path that ends with the stop step.
Flow authors typically set a failed status if they determine that data needed to process an action is missing or in an improper format. In this case, correct the source data and rerun the flow.
A failed status is also often set after a connector action step has returned an error message. The returned error message will need to be evaluated and appropriate actions taken to resolve it.
Canceled Flow
Only an App Xchange user can cancel a flow and give it a Canceled status. Use the activity log in the workspace and filter by the Flow Terminated activity. Expand the event to see what flow was terminated and by which user.
Long Running Flow
There are many reasons why a flow could be in an In Progress or Queued status for a long time. The definition of a long time will be different for each observer and flow.
If you feel your flow has been in an In Progress or Queued status for too long, follow these steps to determine the reason.
Is the flow actually running long or does it just seem that way?
Compare the current run time against previous run times.
Has there been a change to the flow definition or data that could cause the extended run time?
Are there other flows running in the workspace?
If the flow is in a queued status, this is likely the issue.
We currently do not have an easy way for a non-principal user to determine whether other flows are running.
Is there a platform incident?
If the answer to all of the above is no, then submit a support ticket by sending an email to
Rerun a Service
As a general rule, App Xchange users should not be running services. If a flow terminates with a Failed, Exception, or Canceled status, resolve the reason for the termination, and then manually rerun the flow using the Data tab.
A Connector Action step queues up the defined action. The App Xchange platform processes those actions, but in rare cases, the processing fails and leaves the action queued. The only way to clear these queued actions is to rerun the action processor service. This can be dangerous to do depending on the timing. If too much time has elapsed since the initial run, it’s possible that the object has already been written to the target system with updated data. Re-running the flow manually could update it with an old data state.