January Release Notes

What happened in App Xchange January 2024.


Work Request Batching

The Work Request Batch on the Work Tracking gives you the ability to accumulate work items and process them later within a flow, using the new Work Request Batch Ready trigger. Set the work request to the maximum number of cache write events or to a time limit. When the limit is reached, the flow is triggered, allowing you to act on these records as a group as opposed to when a single record is triggered by an event.  


Introducing Deployment Slots

Making changes to a flow can disrupt customer workspaces where that flow is in use. In order to do it safely, you might have copied the old flow to make changes, and then hope you pasted everything back correctly. Now we’ve made it safer to add new flows and test changes to current flows before making them live by adding draft and staging deployment options. Flows won’t be released to customer workspaces until you promote them to the main deployment slot. 

The New Flow Registrations Tab

Making changes to a flow can affect more than one customer. Use the flow's Registrations tab to see which customer workspaces are using the flow and will be affected by its changes. The tab also displays if the flow versions are in the staging or main slots.