Step Dependencies

By default, all flow steps are dependent on the success of the previous step. After saving your flow step, the flow builder automatically populates the details of this dependency in the Step Dependencies section of the flow step. You can re-open the saved flow step to modify the fields in this section to refer to a different step or a different step result.

Note: A flow must include multiple steps for the step dependencies field to display, as the first flow step depends on the flow trigger.

Step Id

Enter the ID of any previous flow step. This field displays the Step ID of the previous step by default. This field is required.

Note: If you rearrange the order of steps in your flow, the default Dependent On Step Id value will update to match the ID of the previous step. However, if you manually define a step ID in this field, it will not change even if you rearrange the order of steps in your flow.

Step Result Status

Enter the step result status the identified step must return before this flow step runs. This field is set to SUCCESSFUL by default.

Note: If this field is left blank, the step will run regardless of the status of the step set in the ID field.

SUCCESSFUL: Returns when an identified flow step successfully completes.

FAILED: Returns when an identified flow step fails to complete.

ACTION_HANDLED_SUCCESS: Returns when an identified Connector Action flow step successfully completes its action.

ACTION_HANDLED_FAILED: Returns when an identified Connector Action flow step fails to complete its action.