Activate or Deactivate Features

After populating the data for integration features and running the flows to move the data, you can begin transitioning features to active. When the feature has been updated or is no longer needed, you can turn it off.

Note: Before you turn off a feature, you must deactivate it in customer workspaces.

3. In the window that opens, go to the feature you want to activate or deactivate and select the Active or Off status from the dropdown list. 

4. Select Save.

After you save changes, the integration will automatically sync with your workspace.

5. Wait for the integration to finish syncing. If you are activating the feature, verify that all resources associated with the feature you activated are active as well. 

Feature still in onboarding, flows inactive:

Feature active, flows active: 

6. Repeat these steps as needed for all features you want to activate or deactivate in your integration.

At this point, you’ve completed the necessary setup and testing, and your integration is fully registered and ready to move data when its status is active.