Revise a Flow

The ability to revise flows gives you much greater flexibility when first writing a flow. App Xchange maintains a history of the changes you saved, and you can view them at any time. When you revise a flow, you can:

When editing a flow, you'll see the draft version if one exists. If there's no draft version, you'll see the staged version. If there's no draft or staged version, you'll see the main version.

Draft and Published Flows

When you revise a flow, you can save it as a draft, save it on staging, or promote it to main. App Xchange shows you how many workspaces will be impacted by the change before you save it. You can see which workspaces use the flow on the Registrations tab.

You also have the ability to revert to a previously-saved version of the flow. No saved changes are discarded when you revert to a saved version. The current flow will still exist and will display in the flow history.

When debugging a flow, make sure you are looking at the revision that was used for that particular run.  You can see which flow was used on the Runs tab.

This flow was run with version 50680.

View All Flow Versions 

You can view all saved versions of a flow at any point in its creation.

Republish a Previous Version of a Flow

You can choose to revert back to any of the previous versions listed in the flow's history.