Before you can configure the Viewpoint Vista connector, you need to have the Xchange Agent installed on your server. Complete the steps outlined in this ERP Setup Guide for Viewpoint Vista.
You may also want to go through How to Set Up Your Viewpoint Vista SQL User for the Xchange Agent.
Connector Configuration
When setting up the Viewpoint Vista connector, enter values in the following fields:
Primary Database Connection String
Email App Xchange Viewpoint support with the subject line Vista DM Attachments Database Info Request to obtain this value.
This value is what connects to the Vista SQL database.
Attachment Database Connection String
In general, leave this field blank. Only enter a value if your organization stores attachments in a separate database from the primary database.
Company Filter
Enter the value of the Vista company you want App Xchange to connect to. You can enter more than one company value.
These are the only companies that App Xchange will cache.
System Interface Configuration
Base Url of the Ryvit AppNetwork Environment
Partner Api Key
This field is pre-populated with a unique API key issued to you by App Xchange.
Connector Endpoints
To see the API calls and endpoints in the Viewpoint Vista connector, view the OpenAPI documentation by module, found here: