Run Flows for a Feature

After populating and validating the data for integration features, you can run flows to move the data between connectors. 

5. In the list of results, select the dropdown arrow next to the first checkbox and choose Select all rows. This ensures that you can process data for all records at once. 

6. Select Run selected. 

7. Select Yes to confirm that you want to run the records.

8. While staying in the same flow, go to the Runs tab. Here you can view the flow processing the runs. To automatically refresh the page, toggle on the Auto Refetch slider.

9. Once the flow finishes processing, view the run results and status. 

Different results represent different things:

10. Select the flow result to view more details. 

11. If there are any failures, you will need to correct the data in the source connector as needed. Then re-run the flow(s).